Saturday, May 5, 2007

Reason #42

One of these years the Indians may get to the World Series - and win it - and we wouldn't want the championship to have an asterisk (which looks like a snowflake, doesn't it?) because we beat some warm-weather team.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Reason #41

See Reason #37 again regarding third baseman Andy Marte's problems with the cold weather. Consider this new information: Indians GM Mark Shapiro says that Marte has to make the adjustment to the cold weather because "we're not close to doming the stadium." Of course not, that takes time and money, but does this mean they're starting to think about it?

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Reason #40

Get rid of those cold-weather promotions - blankets, umbrellas, earmuffs, winter hats. It's no wonder there are so many Cleveland jokes out there.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Reason #38

Adding a roof or dome to an existing stadium would create jobs for construction workers - perhaps then they won't have to spend all of their time digging up the streets.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Reason #37

Indians infielder Andy Marte (currently on the disabled list) will never be a star in Cleveland unless we have a climate-controlled environment. Manager Eric Wedge recently stated that our cold, wet spring weather affected Marte more than any other player on the team. Are we going to stand by and let Andy Marte be the latest failed experiment at third base?

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Reason #36

The editorial section of today's Plain Dealer is calling on Mayor Frank Jackson to wake up and show some aggressive, outspoken leadership on key issues. Why not this issue for a well-liked but invisible mayor? Read Brent Larkin's editorial at